Monday, March 7, 2011

Just Being Funny

According to Isabella:  This is a dairy horse.  Why?  A dairy cow is white with black spots, therefore this horse is a dairy horse.

According to Isaac: We are eating Ice Cream Mondays.  It can't be ice cream sundaes if today is Monday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Song and Dance

Isaac is learning about the letter "D" at preschool this week.  They use the "Letter People" program.  Mr. D dances.  Here is Isaac doing his favorite dance The Mexican Hat Dance

Isabella has decided to create her own original song.  She has requested that they write the song down and put it in the song book at preschool.  This way her entire class can sing along with her.  Don't you like how she got into it by even dressing for the song!  She and Isaac are REALLY ready for warmer weather, along with the rest of us.