Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Wisdom of Isabella

Isabella likes to watch Sid the Science Kid on PBS. We were discussing the show and I was asking her questions about it.

I said, "Isabella, is Sid the Science Kid a good kid?"

Isabella replies, "No, he's not a good kid he's a boy."

On another note Isabella told me "Boys are a little different!" Such wisdom for an almost three year old!

Arm of the Road

There are suppose to be doing shoulder work on the east end of our lot next to Salzer Road here very soon. They came out and flagged the utilities several weeks ago.

Isaac the other day on the way to school said, "When are they going to start working on the ARM of the road?"

I replied, "Isaac it is called the shoulder of the road not the ARM."

To a three year old he knew it was some part of his body we called the road. At least he named an area close the arm!

Friday, September 18, 2009

What Not To Wear

Isabella LOVES to play with her stuffed animals! She likes to pretend she is an animal. It usually is a duck, however lately it could be a zebra, dolphin, or elephant, too. Last year's Halloween costume does come in very handy when she really needs to get into character.
Evidently Isabella has not been picking up on the any of the fashion advice on What Not To Wear. When she is outside playing she really prefers these Lightning McQueen water shoes that were passed down from her cousin Jeremy. Of course she did add a girlish touch with her aqua baby chick socks! Oh, did I mention she actually thinks she is Lightning most of the time when she is pedaling her trike?

Working in the Yard

Mini Matt just loves to help his dad. It really doesn't matter what it is. He just wants to help, too.

My Birthday

Yes, it is true I turned the big 40. Do I feel older? NO! Here are a few pictures of the little ones and me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Self Portraits

Isaac and Isabella played school this evening after dinner. They first practiced cutting on a line. Then, they drew self portraits. Isaac included his daddy in his picture. Isaac tried to write his name. If you look above his picture you'll notice an "I", "a", and a "c". Isabella put boots on her feet. She also practiced writing the letter "t".

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tilling the Yard

Matt is going to reseed our back yard around the play set and garden. Our only hope is that it turns out like our front yard did a couple of years ago. Eventually we are going to reseed the rest of the yard to Salzer Road. However, when you live on a couple of acres it takes time to replant and establish grass. Matt rented a little tractor and tiller from Kan-Equip. Isaac was in heaven of course. He did let Isabella get up for a little bit, too.

Decorating Cupcakes

The little ones enjoyed decorating cupcakes on Saturday. Isaac had good self control and did not lick the knife or his fingers until he was done decorating. Isabella on the other hand made up for Isaac's self control. She was continually licking the knife and her fingers.